Contact Carla Jordan & Brokers
- Phone.021 0488772
- Location. Auckland
- Email.carla.jordan@cjbrokers.co.nz

About Carla Jordan & Brokers
The year 2020 was very challenging, to say the least, but after the first very blurry months we managed to reorganise our business, we learned to live with the challenges imposed by Covid and we are carrying on stronger than ever.
I saw this moment of crisis as an opportunity to grow, evolve and as a result of this Carla Jordan & Brokers was born.
As you can imagine the travel industry has been affected in ways we couldn't have imagined through COVID-19, so just like I love assisting my clients with their travels, I have branched out to use my knowledge and expertise in a way that I can continue to offer personalised service to my clients.
I have officially partnered with a financial advisory business called Foundation Advice Ltd and undertaken an extensive training programme so I can now also offer a range of other solutions across Mortgage Protection, Income Protection, Health Insurance and Life Insurance, all tailored to you.
Jana and Tai will be working exclusively in our travel business and I will divide my time between travel and insurance. So now with a strengthened team and new services offered we are happy to continue serving our loyal clients and help with your travel and personal risk insurance needs.
Welcome to Carla Jordan & Brokers!
Working hours:
Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and weekends by appointment
Our website: